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Media Buying

Strategic Ad Placement to Maximize ROI

We work within your budget to create a tactical media campaign that will maximize your exposure and get your message to your targeted audience. We can also deliver sophisticated metrics that tell you exactly how effective your campaign was. Your success is our main objective.

Planning is everything in marketing. Especially when it comes to Media Buying.

Many aspects of your target customer determine how and when to purchase media spots – demographics, geolocation, behavior, buying patterns, etc. 

So much to consider!

You should always go through an agency when buying media time, but you need to go through the right agency. 

Farlow Media is your choice. 

We have years of experience in media placement for radio, television, outdoor, and digital time. We work within your budget to develop an effective strategy and mix to bring your organization the return on investment you require.

Why hire an agency?

It is not necessarily a bad idea to purchase media time from a radio station or television affiliate yourself. But you will find that you can only run on their brands and platforms. Here at Farlow Media, we have developed long-standing relationships with distributors, and we have an expert understanding of how distributors manage their inventory – necessary knowledge if you want the greatest possible ROI. 

We negotiate the best possible prices, monitor the performance, and optimize your campaign. It is not necessarily a matter of funneling your message out to the most consumers possible, but to the RIGHT consumers. 

There are so many outlets today to get your message out there. Traditional television, radio, and print ads might not be in your budget, But have you considered non-traditional outlets? Things like digital radio, social media, virtual signage, and subscription services like Amazon TV and Netflix, to name a few.
Talk to Farlow Media Today!

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